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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

"Reagan's Portrait"

 Black PrismaColor Pencil (smudge-free charcoal) on 24"x18" Canson Acid-Free Paper

Can you just feel the joy in this little girl's countenance?  Isn't she just a little cutie??  I am stopping at this point to "check in" with Mom & Dad about the status of her portrait but she is just so cute I had to share in the meantime!

Monday, February 16, 2015

"Lush Bouquet" SOLD

12"x9" Oil on Linen Panel   sold

The Charleston Artist Collective is a great online gallery to find little gems from some of Charleston's finest artists.  Each month the artists decide on a Theme by which they create their artwork, and with every art sale 10% goes to benefit a local charity.  "Lush" is March's theme and the charity is the Dee Norton Lowcountry Children's Center.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

"Fancy Rooster"

8"x10" Oil on Canvas  NFS - Donation

This was painted for a fund-raiser for my daughter's school.  These Roosters and hens are so fun to paint.  I may be posting more soon.

"Window Sill & Apples"

12"x12" Oil on Canvas

It was a bit too cold to paint en Plein Air this week so I decided to stay in the studio to catch up on some work.  I had these apples sitting on the window sill and loved the way they looked in the sunshine.  If nothing else, it was a fun painting to paint.  Again, I may re-post this image.  In reality, the apples are much softer where the color/temperature transitions are.

"Shem Creek Shack"

8"x10" Oil on Canvas

Last week's plein air painting was a bit on the chilly side. Here is a little painting I did from a completely different vantage point. . . a fun, new discovery.

This will be available as part of the Charleston Artist Collective's "Pluff Mud" Theme in April.